Can I book a place on a particular walk and send payment by post?
Yes, you can, but you must complete online registration to reserve a place. For Coach walks please print the form and send it along with your payment within 4 days of booking to arrive on or before closing date, otherwise it will be cancelled and made available again.
Will I be sent confirmation that I have been successful?
Yes, you will be sent confirmation via email address you supplied on booking form.
What period is the normal closing date for postal applications for each walk?
Normally 1 week before event.
If I miss the closing date for postal applications can I still register on line? Yes, you can register on line provided spaces are available up to 1 week before event.
As a individual, can I use your events for fundraising and do I need to notify you?
Yes, you can use our events for fundraising and if you wish you can let us know and perhaps you could benefit from some added publicity for it.
Can I bring a guest?
Yes. On walks where members use there own transport to get to the Start location we charge a nominal fee (usually £5) for any guests members bring along. This will cover affiliation to the Ramblers Association and Insurance liability for the day. Walks that involve a coach involve an additional cost dependant upon the destination. |